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Sample Points

Sample Point Aliases Photo ID's Inflow Outflow Years Monitored Description Audience Edit Delete
MC1 N/A No No Abandoned Mine Discharge; Located on the H&D Coal Company bond forfeiture "McIntire" mine site; Sampled at 6" pipe into a blue barrel flowing into existing treatment pond (TB1); Typically does not flow any more; PA DEP sampling point Manage Audience
MC2 N/A Yes No Abandoned Mine Discharge; Located on the H&D Coal Company bond forfeiture "McIntire" mine site; Sampled at 12" pipe flowing into existing treatment pond (TB1) Manage Audience
TB1 N/A No No An existing treatment pond at the H&D (Adobe) "McIntire" minesite, which has since been incorporated into part of the passive treatment system; Prior to installation of the passive system, samples were generally sampled at the spillway as the effluent pipe had become plugged with low pH iron; TB1 receives the MC1, MC2, and MC3 mine discharges; Currently TB1 is sampled at the spillway of the pond as it enters the Oxidation Precipitation Channel. Prior to the passive system, TB1 flowed into an existing channel and was located upstream of sampling point TRX; Manage Audience
902-OPC N/A No No Effluent of the Oxidation and Precipitation Channel; Sampled at end of channel before entering the Auto-Flushing Vertical Flow Pond Manage Audience
902-AMD2 N/A Yes No Additional mine drainage seep that does not enter TB1 but is collected in the pre-existing stream channel and directed into 902-SP via a check dam and 6" pipe. Manage Audience
902-AFVFP N/A No No Auto-Flushing Limestone Only Vertical Flow Pond; Receives water from the OPC and discharges into a settling pond; 902-AFVFP has both a siphon as well as an Agri-Drain SmartDrain to allow flushing of the limestone only treatment media Manage Audience
902-SP N/A No No Settling Pond; Receives flow from the Auto-flushing Vertical Flow Pond; Sampled at effluent pipe; The discharge from this pond flows down a channel, through a culvert and into the Jennings Vertical Flow Pond. Manage Audience
902-JVFP N/A No No Vertical Flow Pond; Receives the flow from 902-SP via a culvert and channel. The Vertical Flow Pond is a mixed treatment media based on the Vertical Flow Pond at the Jennings Environmental Education Center. The media consists of limestone, compost, and wood chips mixed together. Sampled at the effluent pipes; The effluent flows into the wetland Manage Audience
902-WL N/A No No Effluent of the wetland; Receives the water from the Jennings Vertical Flow Pond (902-JVFP); Sampled at effluent pipe; Effluent flows into the Horizontal Flow Limestone Pond. Manage Audience
902-HFLB1 N/A No No Effluent of Horizontal Flow Limestone Bed 1; Receives influent from the wetland (902-WL). Flows into HFLB2. Manage Audience
902-HFLB2 N/A No No Effluent of Horizontal Flow Limestone Bed 2; Receives influent from 902-HFLB1; Sampled at effluent pipe. Flows via a channel into Settling Basin 1. Manage Audience
SB1 N/A No Yes Final Effluent of the McIntire passive treatment system; Existing Sediment Basin constructed during mining and built within the unnamed reconstructed "McIntire" tributary #15 to Blacks Creek; Receives flow from both the Horizontal Flow Bed 2 (HFLB2) as well as from the reconstructed stream channel sampled at RS2; This data represents all sampling conducted after the passive treatment system was constructed; Effluent represents the beginning of trib #15; Located upstream of BC4.1; Manage Audience
RS1 N/A No No Unnamed "McIntire" tributary #15 to Blacks Creek; Sample point located half way between TRX and RS2; BMI sampling point Manage Audience
RS2 N/A Yes No RS2 sample point after construction of the McIntire passive treatment system; Reconstructed stream channel; Unnamed "McIntire" tributary #15 to Blacks Creek; Sample point located below RS1 prior to flowing into existing Settling Basin 1 (SB1); Prior to construction of the passive treatment system this was the last sample point along the reconstructed stream channel carrying the mine discharge; After construction of the system, the channel carries other encountered surface and subsurface waters. See RS2 (pre-treatment) for data before passive treatment construction Manage Audience
SB1 (pre-treatment) N/A No No Sample point of SB1 prior to installation of the passive treatment system. Existing Sediment Basin constructed during mining and built within the unnamed reconstructed "McIntire" tributary #15 to Blacks Creek; Received flow from the reconstructed stream channel (RS2); Sampled at pipe and spillway; Effluent represents the beginning of trib #15; Located upstream of BC4.1; Manage Audience
RS2 (pre-treatment) N/A No No RS2 sample point prior to construction of the McIntire passive treatment system; Reconstructed stream channel; Unnamed "McIntire" tributary #15 to Blacks Creek; Sample point located below RS1 prior to flowing into existing Settling Basin 1 (SB1); Prior to construction of the passive treatment system this was the last sample point along the reconstructed stream channel carrying the mine discharge; After construction of the system, the channel carries other encountered surface and subsurface waters. See RS2 for data after passive treatment construction Manage Audience
SB1A (pre-treatment) N/A No No Old sampling point prior to construction of the passive treatment system; Sampled in emergency spillway as effluent pipe of Settling Basin 1 (SB1) became plugged; located downstream of RS2; about 1500 feet Upstream of BC4.1 Manage Audience
TRX N/A No No Unnamed "McIntryre" tributary #15 to Blacks Creek; Sampled at the Porter Road (T434) crossing, on the south side of the bridge; Located downstream of existing treatment pond (TB1) and upstream of RS1; PA DEP & BMI sampling point Manage Audience
TRXA N/A No No Water flowing in a side channel that at times contributes flow into the main channel carrying the AMD from Mcintire site. Flow enters channel near road just above point TRX Manage Audience
CH1 N/A No No An intermediate point added during the design phase for the passive treatment system used for dye testing to develop design criteria for low pH iron; Located along the channel conveying the AMD at edge of woods in between points TB1 and TRXB Manage Audience
TRXC N/A No No small flow entering the main AMD channel downstream of CH1 and just before TRXB Manage Audience
TRXB N/A No No Intermediate point added to assess impact of side channel (sample point TRXA)to TRX. Manage Audience