Wells Creek Onstead
Sample Points
Sample Point |
Aliases |
Photo |
ID's |
Inflow |
Outflow |
Years Monitored |
Description |
Audience |
Edit |
Delete |
DISH05 |
DISH05 |
N/A |
24662 |
No |
No |
Raw discharge that appears to have been combined to form the influent of the Onstead system |
Manage Audience |
DISH11 |
DISH11 |
N/A |
60307 |
No |
No |
Raw discharge that appears to have been combined with DISH05 to form the influent to the Onstead System (OS) |
Manage Audience |
OS |
N/A |
Yes |
No |
Abandoned Mine Discharge; Influent to Wells Creek Onstead passive system |
Manage Audience |
P11 |
N/A |
75866 |
No |
No |
Effluent of Vertical Flow Pond |
Manage Audience |
D11 |
N/A |
75867 |
No |
Yes |
Effluent of Settling Pond and Final Effluent of Onstead passive system |
Manage Audience |