Sample Points
Sample Point | Aliases | Photo | ID's | Inflow | Outflow | Years Monitored | Description | Audience | Edit | Delete |
HP | N/A | No | No | At outflow pipe in Holding Pond. |
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ORBI | ORBI | N/A | 56422 | Yes | No | Oven Run Site B Raw Discharge |
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RD1 | N/A | Yes | No | Rock Drain 1; Located near the ORBI flume, but is not included in Flume and enters into the Holding Pond |
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ORBPOND1 | N/A | No | No | Effluent of Holding Pond (HP) and essentially the same as the collection pond or Pond 1 of the original treatment system; This data is also essentially the same as ORBI. Unless looking to compare changes between ORBI and Pond 1, influent sample to the system should be ORBI |
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DB | N/A | Yes | No | Dewater Basin Drain; Collects various AMD and conveyed to and sampled at Settling Pond 1 |
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NRD | N/A | Yes | No | North Rock Drain; Collects and conveys AMD into about the middle of Settling Pond 1 |
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SRD | N/A | Yes | No | South Rock Drain; Collects and conveys additional AMD; Sampled from a pipe in the emergency spillway of AFVFP3; Located in the middle of the spillway and higher in elevation than the AFVFP outlet. |
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SP1 | N/A | No | No | Settling Pond 1 (SP1); Receives flow from all 3 AFVFPS as well as rock drains DB, NRD, and SRD: The sample point is essentially the same location as ORBPOND2 of the original system and could potentially be combined. |
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SP2 | N/A | No | No | Settling Pond 2; Receives flow from SP1 and is the influent source to JVFP1 and JVFP2. This pond was created out of the original SAPS2. Sampled at the JVFP splitter box. |
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JVFP1 | N/A | No | No | Jennings Vertical Flow Pond 1; |
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JVFP2 | N/A | No | No | Jennings Vertical Flow Pond 2 |
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ORBO | ORBO | N/A | 56423 | No | Yes | Oven Run Site B Effluent from Treatment system |
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ORBSAP1 | ORBSAP1 | N/A | 56590 | No | No | Oven Run Site B Sap #1 Effluent |
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ORBPOND2 | ORBPOND2 | N/A | 56591 | No | No | Oven Run Site B Pond #2 Effluent |
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JRD | N/A | No | No | Outflow from JVFP 2 and inflow into SP 3 located at the jennings rock drain. |
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ORBSAP2 | ORBSAP2 | N/A | 56592 | No | No | Oven Run Site B Sap #2 Effluent |
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ORBD | ORBD | N/A | 56431 | No | No | Not sure what this point is. SIS description is Oven Run Beaverdam Discharge. Lat/long is not correct, but just randomly provided. All of the lat/longs from SIS were wrong and corrected except this one |
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ORBUS | N/A | No | No | Sample point located upstream of Oven Run B system. |
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ORBDS | N/A | No | No | Sample point located downstream of Oven Run B. |
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