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Sample Points

Sample Point Aliases Photo ID's Inflow Outflow Years Monitored Description Audience Edit Delete
EXP5 EXP5 N/A 33831 No No DSCH FROM EXPERIMENT #5 Manage Audience
4P3 4P3 N/A 33829 No No EXP 4; PORT 3 Manage Audience
4P2 4P2 N/A 33828 No No EXP 4; PORT 2 Manage Audience
4P1 4P1 N/A 33827 No No EXP 4; PORT 1 Manage Audience
3P2 3P2 N/A 33826 No No EXP 3; PORT 2 Manage Audience
EXP4 EXP4 N/A 33822 No No DSCH FROM EXPERIMENT #4 Manage Audience
EXP3 EXP3 N/A 33821 No No DSCH FROM EXPERIMENT #3 Manage Audience
RAW N/A Yes No untreated AMD at Jennings passive system Manage Audience
VFP JVF1 N/A 44066 No No Effluent from aerator of Jennings Vertical Flow Pond Manage Audience
S. Pond N/A No No Settling Pond Manage Audience
Weir 1 N/A Yes No

Raw AMD emanating from collapsed underground mine entry. This water is bypassed around a portion of the passive treatment system and then mixes with the water flowing out of the settling pond just prior to Weir 2.  Sometimes this is actually sampled in the stream just prior to the settling pond outflow and weir 2 to capture all of the untreated AMD before mixing with treated.

Manage Audience
Weir 2 N/A No No Weir 2 is located just below the confluence of treated water from S.Pond and the raw untreated watered (Weir 1). These two sources of water tend to mix in the stilling pull of the weir. Manage Audience
Weir 3 IWL N/A 33823 No No

Weir 3 is located on west side of route 8 prior to entering the original wetland system

Manage Audience
WL1 N/A No No Manage Audience
WL2 N/A No No Manage Audience
WL3 N/A No No Manage Audience
WL4 FD N/A 33824 No Yes Wetland 4 of Jennings passive system; Final effluent Manage Audience

This drain is used during the maintenance of the VFP to encourage drainage and is located at the north western corner of the VFP.

Manage Audience
JVF2 JVF2 N/A 44227 No No At this point in time, uncertain what sample point this represents; SIS description is DSCH FROM WETLAND Manage Audience
Big Run (upstream) N/A No No Big Run; upstream of Jennings system Manage Audience
Big Run (downstream) N/A No No Big Run; Downstream of Jennings system Manage Audience
EXP2 EXP2 N/A 33830 No No EXPERIMENT #2 Manage Audience
3P1 3P1 N/A 33825 No No EXP 3; PORT 1 Manage Audience