Sample Points
Sample Point | Aliases | Photo | ID's | Inflow | Outflow | Years Monitored | Description | Audience | Edit | Delete |
22-48.2 | 48.2 | N/A | 43359 | Yes | No | Abandoned Mine Discharge; Influent to Hunter's Drift Mine passive system; The discharge is split between 4 vertical flow ponds VFP-5, VFP-6, VFP-7, and VFP-8 | Manage Audience | |||
22-48.25 | 48.25 | N/A | 76430 | No | No | Effluent of VFP-5 | Manage Audience | |||
22-48.26 | 48.26 | N/A | 76431 | No | No | Effluent of VFP-6 | Manage Audience | |||
22-48.27 | 48.27 | N/A | 76432 | No | No | Effluent of VFP-7 | Manage Audience | |||
22-48.28 | 48.28 | N/A | 76434 | No | No | Effluent of VFP-8 | Manage Audience | |||
22-48.29 | 48.29 | N/A | 76436 | No | Yes | Effluent of Wetland 3 and Final Effluent of Hunters Drift Passive Treatment System | Manage Audience | |||
VFP 5-8 common eff | N/A | No | No | Combined efflunets of VFPS 5-8 before entering wetland | Manage Audience |