Sample Points
Sample Point | Aliases | Photo | ID's | Inflow | Outflow | Years Monitored | Description | Audience | Edit | Delete |
592 | N/A | No | No | Stream sample point on an unnamed tributary to Glenwhite Run located downstream from the North Slope treatment system discharge. |
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GWUSNSLPUNT | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point. Glenwhite Run upstream of North Slope unnamed tributary. |
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SSLPUNT | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point. Mouth of South Slope unnamed tributary at Glenwhite Run. |
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007 | SH-DS-31 | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point in the north tributary to Glenwhite Run located downstream from the Spaghetti Hole system discharge. |
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GR7 | N/A | No | No | Mainstream Glenwhite Run downstream of North and South branch junction. |
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011 | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point along a tributary to Glenwhite Run upstream from the Squatter Falls system discharge. |
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COUNT | N/A | No | No | Mouth of Coke Ovens unnamed tributary at N. Branch Glenwhite Run. |
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021 | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point along a tributary to Glenwhite Run downstream from the Squatter Falls system discharge. |
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GS1 | N/A | No | No | Mouth of S. Branch GW Run near SR4008 Bridge. |
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GWNB | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point. Mouth of N. Branch Glenwhite Run before junction with S. Branch. |
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GWKPRIN | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point. Kittanning point, reservoir intake on Glenwhite Run. |
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KR | N/A | No | No | Mouth of Kittanning Run at the bridge near the reservoir. |
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SPRING1 | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point. Spring on North Slope entering Glenwhite Run downstream from the North Slope unnamed tributary. |
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GWDSNSLPUNT | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point. Glenwhite Run donwstream of North Slope unnamed tributary. |
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591 | N/A | No | No | Stream sample point on an unnamed tributary to Glenwhite Run located upstream from the North Slope system discharge. |
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NSLPUNT | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point. Mouth of the North Slope unnamed at Glenwhite Run. |
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001 | SH-US-31 | N/A | No | No | Stream sampling point on the North tributary to Glenwhite Run located located upstream of the Spaghetti Hole system discharge. |
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