PA42A |
LTU82 |
N/A |
33923 |
Yes |
No |
Abandoned Mine Discharge; Influent to Gavazzi passive system |
Manage Audience |
PA42B |
N/A |
No |
No |
Effluent of Settling Pond/Wetland; No clear outlet so sample was not collected; Flows into Limestone Bed C which may be an upflow Vertical Flow Pond |
Manage Audience |
PA42C |
N/A |
No |
No |
Effluent of Limestone Bed (C) which may be an upflow Vertical Flow Pond |
Manage Audience |
PA42D |
N/A |
No |
No |
effluent of Limestone Bed (D) |
Manage Audience |
PA42E |
LTU82D |
N/A |
62624 |
No |
Yes |
effluent of Wetland (E) and Final Effluent of Gavazzi passive system; Flows into a natural wetland along small stream via a buried outlet pipe |
Manage Audience |