Sample Points
Sample Point | Aliases | Photo | ID's | Inflow | Outflow | Years Monitored | Description | Audience | Edit | Delete |
DC1 | N/A | No | No | Stream sample at the mouth of Deer Creek; identified in the 2010 WIP |
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DC2 | N/A | No | No | Stream sample downstream of Buck Run tributary and upstream of UNT 3; in the vicinity of the Deer Creek sign; identified in the 2010 WIP |
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TDC4 | N/A | No | No | Stream sample of the mouth of UNT4; identified in the 2010 WIP; AKA the mouth of School Trib |
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DC4 | N/A | No | No | Stream sample upstream of UNT4; identified in 2010 WIP |
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DCA1 | N/A | Yes | No | AMD Discharge; Primary source of influent to VFP1 |
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DCA2 | N/A | Yes | No | AMD; Secondary influent source to VFP1 |
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DCB1 | N/A | No | No | Effluent of VFP1 and influent to Settling Pond 1 |
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DCC1 | N/A | No | No | Effluent of Settling Pond 1 and influent to VFP2 |
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DCD1 | N/A | No | No | Effluent of VFP2 and influent to Settling Pond 2 |
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DCE1 | N/A | No | Yes | Effluent of Settling Pond 2 and Final Effluent of treatment system; water discharges to "School Trib" to Deer Creek |
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DCF1 | N/A | Yes | No | AMD; Influent to Step Pool Treatment Cells; Seep was not able to be included in the rest of the treatment system |
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DCG1 | N/A | No | Yes | Effluent of Step Pool Treatment Cells; Enters the unnamed tributary of Deer Creek separately from the rest of the system. |
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