Sample Points
Sample Point | Aliases | Photo | ID's | Inflow | Outflow | Years Monitored | Description | Audience | Edit | Delete |
BRD06 | N/A | Yes | No | AMD; Deep mine discharge; Source water to the ALD and now FeAlMn bed |
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CW FeAlMn | N/A | No | No | Effluent of Conifer West FeAlMn bed |
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CW ALD | ALD | N/A | 48032 | Yes | No | DSCH FROM ANOXIC LIMESTONE DRAIN; Effluent of ALD. A portion of this data may actually be the effluent of the first wetland (W1), especially those from the passive treatment snapshot events. ALD was converted to FeAlMn bed in 2010. See CW FeAlMn bed for current data |
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W1 | W1 | N/A | 48033 | No | No | DSCH FROM FIRST WETLANDS |
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BRD01A | N/A | Yes | No | Abandoned Mine Discharge; deep mine and refuse piles; Enters northern most wetland by pipe close to effluent of pipe of southern pond; AKA PA205B2 from snapshot events; |
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PA205C | W2 | N/A | 48034 | No | Yes | DSCH FROM FINAL WETLAND; Effluent of Aerobic Wetland and Final Effluent of Conifer West passive system |
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