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Edit Wildwood Passive Treatment System

Use the drop-down menu to select the project type.
Use the drop-down menu to select the AMD source. Hold the CTRL key to select more than 1 source.
Enter the completion year that the project was originally constructed
This box provides the opportunity to write a short detailed narrative about the project. Some users also use this area to provide a history of the site.
Only enter, if an OSM ID already exists and is known. Otherwise it will be completed by the Datashed administrator at a later date.
Enter the Abandoned Mine Land Inventory System (AMLIS) ID if known. Otherwise leave blank.
Must be a numeric field with two decimal places, do not include a dollar sign.
Enter the name of the receiving stream that the AMD discharge or treatment system directly flows into. If stream is unnamed, enter Unnamed Tributary to the appropriate stream.
Select the River Basin from drop-down menu.
Enter the name of the US Geological Service (USGS) 7.5-minute Quadrangle Topographic maps
Short description of the image used by screen readers and displayed when the image is not loaded. This is important for accessibility.
Wildwood pic from Andrson Cr Assess.jpg
Select one photo that will be used as the project's image on its page and search page. Use the Gallery to upload additional project related photos.
How was the latitude and longitude acquired for this project?
Manually enter coordinates - six decimals required. Get Your Coordinates - we ask you please submit latitude and longitude information for your project. To find your coordinates, we suggest using Google maps or this free website (opens in new window):
manually enter coordinates - six decimals required
The username of the group creator.
Check this box if you would like the project to be included as part of the Project Spotlight on the home page.
Enter the year that the system was last rehabbed or rebuilt. If it hasn't been rebuilt, leave blank. If multiple rebuilds have been completed, enter the most recent and explain in Description.
Briefly describe the changes you have made.