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  32. field_d1_id
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  35. field_latitude
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  37. field_location_name
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  43. field_sample_point_id
  44. field_sample_point_image
  45. field_sample_point_type_list
  46. field_set_id
  47. field_state_province
  48. field_stream
  49. field_type
  50. field_years_monitored
  51. field_zip_code
<p>"Naturally occurring"&nbsp; wetland receives the flow from the SR81 treatment system.&nbsp; There are likely multiple outlets of the wetland.&nbsp; This sample is collected from a channel that drains much of the wetland and flows into Slippery Rock Creek at the Kohlmeyer road bridge.</p>

"Naturally occurring"  wetland receives the flow from the SR81 treatment system.  There are likely multiple outlets of the wetland.  This sample is collected from a channel that drains much of the wetland and flows into Slippery Rock Creek at the Kohlmeyer road bridge.

Flow Order
State / Province