- nid
- uuid
- vid
- langcode
- type
- revision_timestamp
- revision_uid
- revision_log
- status
- uid
- title
- created
- changed
- promote
- sticky
- default_langcode
- revision_default
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- path
- rh_action
- rh_redirect
- rh_redirect_response
- rh_redirect_fallback_action
- menu_link
- body
- field_address
- field_address_secondary
- field_aliases
- field_city
- field_coordinate_chooser
- field_county
- field_d1_id
- field_flow_order
- field_inflow
- field_latitude
- field_location_by_gps
- field_location_name
- field_longitude
- field_organizations
- field_outflow
- field_phone
- field_quad
- field_sample_point_id
- field_sample_point_image
- field_sample_point_type_list
- field_set_id
- field_state_province
- field_stream
- field_type
- field_years_monitored
- field_zip_code
Data in this area is in the middle of the pond taken by a multi-probe that measures conductivity, DO, PH, Temp. It takes data 24/7 currently every 1 hour. The depth is about 1 meter. The data will be an average of several (3) days with the date as the last of the dates measured.
Data in this area is in the middle of the pond taken by a multi-probe that measures conductivity, DO, PH, Temp. It takes data 24/7 currently every 1 hour. The depth is about 1 meter. The data will be an average of several (3) days with the date as the last of the dates measured.