- nid
- uuid
- vid
- langcode
- type
- revision_timestamp
- revision_uid
- revision_log
- status
- uid
- title
- created
- changed
- promote
- sticky
- default_langcode
- revision_default
- revision_translation_affected
- path
- rh_action
- rh_redirect
- rh_redirect_response
- rh_redirect_fallback_action
- menu_link
- body
- field_address
- field_address_secondary
- field_aliases
- field_city
- field_coordinate_chooser
- field_county
- field_d1_id
- field_flow_order
- field_inflow
- field_latitude
- field_location_by_gps
- field_location_name
- field_longitude
- field_organizations
- field_outflow
- field_phone
- field_quad
- field_sample_point_id
- field_sample_point_image
- field_sample_point_type_list
- field_set_id
- field_state_province
- field_stream
- field_type
- field_years_monitored
- field_zip_code
Abandoned Mine Discharge; This is the primary discharge being treated by the Elbon passive system; The discharge enters an upflow vertical flow pond and is therefore not able to be sampled; Only pre-construction data is available
Abandoned Mine Discharge; This is the primary discharge being treated by the Elbon passive system; The discharge enters an upflow vertical flow pond and is therefore not able to be sampled; Only pre-construction data is available