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Datashed Help

Instructions on how to use this website and other F.A.Q. can be found on the Get Help page.

New Video Tutorials will be developed and incorporated into the help section in the future however in the mean time a multi-part Datashed Training Workshop webinar held in conjunction with the 2021 PA AMR Conference is available for viewing.  The old videos are also still available on Stream Restoration Incorporated’s YouTube Channel.



About Datashed

Datashed is a collaborative effort of Stream Restoration Incorporated, Pennsylvania DEP, and others to provide the tools needed to actively monitor and maintain AMD treatment systems and manage watershed restoration efforts. No passwords are required to view or download any data on Datashed; however, passwords are required to upload or edit data. You can learn more about Datashed here.

Not already a member? Click here to sign up. Already a member? Click here to login.


Welcome to Datashed

Datashed is a FREE online tool to assist volunteers, students, watershed groups, nonprofits industry, and government agencies in the operation and maintenance of acid mine drainage treatment systems, stream water quality monitoring and the management of watershed restoration efforts.

To find a treatment system, stream, or other project near you, click on the Projects or Map links above!


Datashed News

Stream Restoration Incorporated is happy to announce that we will be offering FREE virtual training sessions during the month of November.  The Datashed Training Sessions are free and will provide participants the opportunity to not only learn about Datashed capabilities, but also learn how to get an account, create projects, and upload data and documents.  The training events will consist of three different sessions (1-3) (approximately 1 to 1.5 hours long each) conducted over three weeks in November 2024.  Each session (1,2, and 3) will be held at two different times (A and B) during the same week to provide flexible options for participating.  Each week will cover different topics and opportunities to ask questions.  See the schedule below for dates, times and a description of the topics that will be covered.   Registration Information will be coming soon!

Session 1:  November 5 (6pm) and 6 (10am)  -  Intro to Datashed

Session 2: November 12 (6pm) and 13 (10am) - Creating projects, uploading documents, and photos, etc

Session 3:  Nobember 19 (6pm) and 20 (10am) - Uploading water quality data including how to prepare data and create sample points

Restoration Tote Board
Positive improvements are being seen in Pennsylvania's streams! About 372 passive and active treatment systems have been installed throughout the state, reducing the load of pollutants. Below are the sums of these load reductions from systems contained in Datashed. As more systems and data are added, these loadings will be automatically updated.
Parameter Passive Active Total
Projects Included 356 16 372
Water Treated 39,872,888,496 (gal/yr) 522,357,048 (gal/yr) 40,395,245,544 (gal/yr)
Iron 3,119,363 (lb/yr) 63,448 (lb/yr) 3,182,811 (lb/yr)
Aluminum 1,029,347 (lb/yr) 23,291 (lb/yr) 1,052,638 (lb/yr)
Manganese 381,020 (lb/yr) 16,297 (lb/yr) 397,317 (lb/yr)
Acidity 13,231,611 (lb/yr) 517,720 (lb/yr) 13,749,331 (lb/yr)

Project Spotlight
N. Branch Shamokin Creek
Watershed: Shamokin Creek
Project Type Project Type Stream
City/Township Mt Carmel & Others
County Northumberland & Others
State State Pennsylvania
BioMost, Inc
Mars, Pennsylvania
EPA Watershed Initiative
Washington, District Of Columbia
Ashley, Pennsylvania
Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds
Alexandria, Pennsylvania
NuRelm, Inc.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
PA Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP)
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Stream Restoration Inc.
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania
Western PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (WPCAMR)
Greensburg, Pennsylvania